Clear Path Blog

Daily Wellness Resources

Mental Health Monday: Influence in Relationships

"To be powerful in a relationship, you must be open to influence" - John Gottman, Marriage Researcher and Therapist What is influence? It’s the ability to receive feedback from someone.  It’s learning how to be flexible as opposed to rigid in your relationships....

Mental Health Monday: How do you approach emotions?

Over the past 15 years of working in the mental health field, I've seen people approach emotions in a variety of ways. I've worked with people who dismiss emotions and others who are utterly engulfed by them. In the spirit of simplicity, I've seen the following three...

Mental Health Monday: Repetitive Conflict in Relationships

Do you ever feel like you and your partner are arguing over the same things over and over again?  Does it seem like you come to a compromise only to find yourself re-visiting the same challenge a week, month or year later? Admittedly, this can be frustrating for...

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